Interesting collections of Texas stories
Book Notes by Glenn Dromgoole
We always try to keep quite a few collections of short, readable Texas stories on the shelves at Texas Star Trading Company, covering a wide range of interests.
Here are just a few examples of some anthologies you might want to peruse, all in paperback:
Texas Women First: Leading Ladies of Lone Star History, by Sherrie S. McLeRoy ($19.99).
Texas Dames: Sassy and Savvy Women Throughout Lone Star History, by Carmen Goldthwaite ($19.99).
Two more on Texas women, for younger readers: Amazing Texas Girls, by Mary Dodson Wade ($16.95), and Bold Women in Texas History, by Don Blevins ($14).
Texas Obscurities: Stories of the Peculiar, Exceptional & Nefarious ($19.99) and Texas Oblivion: Mysterious Disappearances, Escapes and Cover-Ups ($21.99), both by E. R. Bills.
Texas Ingenuity: Lone Star Inventions, Inventors & Innovators, by Alan C. Elliott ($21.99).
Texas True Crime Miscellany ($21.99) and Forgotten Tales of Texas ($16.99), both by Clay Coppedge.
Stories from Texas: Some of Them Are True, by W. F. Strong ($11.99).
On Texas Backroads: Stories Found Along the Way, by Carlton Stowers ($16.95).
West Texas Stories ($15.99) and West Texas Christmas Stories ($13.99), both edited by Glenn Dromgoole.
The perennial favorite, Weird Texas: Your Travel Guide to Texas’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets ($16.95).
A new collection, They Went West: True Tales of Frontier America by Comanche author Sharon McKinzie ($20), covers more than Texas, but of course there are plenty of Texas stories as well.
And, closer to home, Jay Moore’s new day-by-day collection of Abilene stories — Abilene Daily: Snapshots of Home. It’s a hardcover, $27.50.
Lots of good reading.