Read about African Texans during Black History Month

Read about African Texans during Black History Month

By Glenn Dromgoole

The African Texans by historian Alwyn Barr offers a concise cultural history of the challenges faced by black immigrants and the contributions they have made over the years.

At 100 pages, complete with sidebars and photographs, it’s a very approachable yet well-documented account of Black history in Texas. February is Black History Month. African Texans is available on the bargain book table at Texas Star Trading for just $5.

It’s part of a series published several years ago through the Institute of Texan Cultures. Other books in the series deal with Asian Texans, European Texans, Mexican Texans, and Indian Texans.


Texas Trivia: Learn more about our fascinating state from a paperback now on our shelves – Texas Trivia: Everything Y’all Need to Know about the Lone Star State by Bill Cannon and Courtney Oppel ($14.95 paperback).

The authors pack a lot of interesting information into 170 pages, covering such categories as “Truth is stranger than fiction,” “Enterprising Texans,” “The criminal element,” “Only in Texas,” and “Superlatives.” Most of the pieces are a half-page or less. Quick reads.


Weird Texas: The very popular guide to Texas local legends and best kept secrets – Weird Texas ­­– is back in stock ($16.95 paperback) after being unavailable for several months.

Topics covered include unexplained phenomena, roadside oddities, bizarre beasts, and haunted places and ghostly tales. You won’t find this gem very many places, but we have plenty of copies at Texas Star.